The Ontario Birth Study (OBS) is a research platform developed by the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute and Sinai Health System (SHS). Core material includes self-administered questionnaire data, pregnancy-related clinical and outcome data housed on a database managed by the Applied Health Research Centre of St. Michael's Hospital (collectively, the "Database") as well as biospecimens including blood samples and vaginal swabs which are stored at the Mount Sinai Hospital Biospecimen Repository (the "Biobank").
This application form is a preliminary assessment of research projects that aim to use OBS Data and/or OBS Samples. Your responses will be assessed by the OBS Steering Committee for feasibility based on entries within the Biobank and Database. Upon approval, applicants will gain access to the Data Request Form, which will allow detailed documentation of research efforts.
The names and institutions of all applicants, as well as summaries of the scientific abstracts of all approved projects will be added to the publicly accessible access registry of the OBS.